
If you wish to contact us use the form below, please use email as our preferred method as we are notified immediately on our desktop or mobile devices, all enquiries will be dealt with fast and efficiently even out of Contactworking hours if we’re available.

Most items we sell are from stock, special orders will most probably take a bit longer to source as they will be coming from the manufacturer and is out of our control.

We are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm if you wish to ask a question about stock or delivery times.

Before we can advise we need the following otherwise we will be unable to help you.

We will need:

A photo of your existing capacitor showing the wire or tab connections.

A photo of the markings on the capacitor as this information is vital.

Please check the dimensions of the capacitor you wish to buy as it may need to fit in a tight compartment.

Please bear in mind newer capacitors may be smaller in size than older capacitors.

Take a Photo at an angle showing the markings and the connections at the top.

Please allow a few seconds for your image to upload before pressing send, some internet connections are slow.

If your photo won’t upload fill out the form and we will provide an email address

Office Address:

Capacitor Shop (Rcad Ltd)

1 Pembroke Drive

Waltham Cross


Sorry – You cannot collect parts from this address we are a delivery company only.

Company registered in England and Wales 08811876

Goods and services subject to availability.

If the contact form doesn’t works use the comment box below

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